Every time I see this page it makes me think of my babysitter when I was in Kindergarten, Mrs. Baker. At lunchtime she would ask, "do you want a half sandwich or a hole sandwich?" To which I would reply, "a hole sandwich!" and she would toast up a peanut butter sandwich that had a hole in it. But I digress...
yournameontoast.com is a clever idea involving the unlikely combination of toast and sharpies, that raises money for children's charities. Donate a sum of $$$ and in return, you get (just as the name promises) your name on toast! The higher the donation, the higher on the page your toast sits. In the same vein as
the million dollar homepage but strictly for selfless reasons. And the page is far more aesthetically (and appetizing-ly) pleasing...
...and this is another digression, I know, but toast looks incredibly funny and friendly with little faces on it, doesn't it? And I have to wonder (even though it sounds facetious but I swear it's not): do they use different toasters for different toasting effects? Or just switch the little dial to adjust the the level of toastiness? I really do wonder. It's awfully creative, whatever the process. Kudos to the yournameontoast-ers!
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