sunday scribblings - yummy

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Yummy is having the place all to yourself
already in your PJ's even though it's just 7 o'clock
stirring your favorite yummy pasta sauce
while sipping yummy, buttery cognac
and listening to Favela played by Barney Kessel.

Yummy is taking that dinner into bed with you
something you so rarely get to do
feeling blissfully cosy on yummy jersey sheets
propped up on pillows, cross legged,
with the cognac resting against your knee
watching Shopgirl yet another time
and realizing that when you last saw Mirabelle
it was on a night just like this one,
when you had the house all to yourself
and ate your dinner in bed...

Yummy is this feeling
of being happy and content in the moment
knowing tomorrow he will be here and
feeling that for tonight all is right with your world
understanding that you are so fortunate
fortunate to have such yummy times
alone but far from lonely
in the place that you call home.

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