sunday scribblings - the last hour

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In the last hour,
I made breakfast while M walked Zero...
veggie bacon & the last two veggie sausages,
pancakes, potato wedges and mango juice,
with the candle on the table lit,
(because candles aren't just for the night as far as I'm concerned)
and after, I let Zero eat some scraps from the new green plates
because it's his Sunday too, and he deserves a treat.
In the last hour, I made my coffee (Starbuck's Christmas blend),
and drank it from the mug M bought for me last weekend;
that he led me over to and picked up from the shelf, and he insisted
that I should have for the times when I wanted to "play Starbucks."
(I had to laugh and say OK, even though I have plenty of mugs).
In the last hour, I elected to hand wash the red frying pan and the coffee press
instead of putting them in the dishwasher,
because I'm really in no rush to wrap up the morning, and
I kind of enjoy the smell of our green apple dish soap.
In the last hour, Christmas music has played in the background,
Lou Rawls, The Ventures, Vince Guaraldi, Julie London, and Dean Martin,
and it gets me in the spirit a little bit, and yes, I sing along here and there.
In the last hour, the sun has strained to stay bright,
and I sat at our table making a list of the things
I want to pick up when we go out for our walk,
the apartment has felt cozy and warm,
Zero's crashed out on his mat,
and I've enjoyed the best part of my week;
relaxed, content, feeling rested for the first time
in days.

1 Responses to “sunday scribblings - the last hour”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Love your ending: "...and I've enjoyed the best part of my week; relaxed, content, feeling rested for the first time in days." There is a thought we can all identify with all too often.

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