i heart ryan macdonald


Ryan, I always admired you for the path you chose in life. So many of us THINK about one day travelling, one day pursuing a career with meaning, one day becoming a little more relaxed or a little more adventurous... You embraced all of it. You just went out into the world and LIVED. You soaked it all in... and experienced so much... and knowing that gives me comfort. And though I wish that I could have seen more of you over the last few years, you crossed my mind often, and it always made me feel good (and truthfully, a little envious!) knowing you were out there, somewhere exotic and beautiful, with a partner like Louise, EXPERIENCING & ENJOYING your life.
I told you one of the last times we saw eachother that I thought it was so great what you we were doing with your life... but what I wish now that I had told you was that I was SO proud of you, and that I loved you. So today, I hugged all of our amazing cousins extra tight and told them that that I love them. It made me feel really good to do that on such a sad, sad day. I miss you already, Ry. But I will think of you often, out there somewhere, exotic and beautiful.

Much love, "Oh-Po"

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