April. Because I was born in April and because it was questionable as to whether I'd survive my first day. When I did, my Aunt Lorna suggested April to signify "a new beginning." Had all gone as originally planned, I may have been called Jennifer or Heather.

Lynne. Because my Aunt Lynne would babysit my brother. Apparently that was no small favour.

Robinson. Because it's my Dad's name. His side is Scottish. Our family motto is "Foi est tout", which means, "faith is everything". Of late, I have been wondering if this might make a interesting tattoo.

I've been called Ape, Cakes, Avrilla, Splenda, Sunshine, Robinson, Sparky and Pootz by others. They've also called me Creative, Witty, Beautiful, Together, but sometimes also Cold, Stubborn and Mean. Oh, and Short.

It's hard for me to give myself a name, unless of course I am upset. Then I'm So Stupid, or So Insecure. Sometimes I go by Selfish, Competitive, Dispassionate, and Loner. On good days, I call myself Optimistic, Compassionate, Patient, and Lucky.

I'm often Daughter, Sister, Friend, Wife. I'm also known as A Lefty, A Vegetarian, and many times, Just Like Your Mother.

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